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JohnCharlesSavage_sax_photo by Robert Sanders.jpg


“…Savage is a badass, knock-down-drag-out force to be reckoned with….”

—Willamette Week



“…Savage is a badass, knock-down-drag-out force to be reckoned with….”

—Willamette Week

March 1, 2025

2220 Arts, Los Angeles, CA

Kennebec with Brendan Eder Ensemble

February 27, 2025

Mississippi Studios, Portland, OR, 8pm

PDX Jazz presents: Kennebec with Immanuel Wilkins

February 16, 2025

November 2024 Recorded live in January of 2000 at Birdland

October 18-19, 2024

Groove Revelation at the SkyTav on Friday Oct 18, 5-10pm

Groove Revelation at Burlingame Space Staurday Oct 19, 7-9pm

May 5, 2024

I will play with my students at the Mount Hood Jazz Festival as The Burnside Ave. Combo! 11am Admission is FREE Migration Brewing 18188 NE Wilkes Rd. Portland, OR

April 21, 2024

April 15, 2024

March 13, 2024 Mount Hood Community College Jazz Ensembles College Theater, 7pm 26000 SE Stark St.Gresham, OR 97030

December 6, 2023 Mount Hood Community College Jazz Ensembles College Theater, 7pm 26000 SE Stark St.Gresham, OR 97030

November 11, 2023 Hollywood Theater presents The Holdovers with composer Mark Orton and a live ensemble of musicians performing selections from his original score to the film. Savage is featured on all the flute parts (and will also play autoharp for this event!). 7:30pm

October 26, 2023 Show Bar
1300 SE Stark St. Portland, OR 97214 9pm (Doors open at 8pm) The Creative Music Guild Presents: Oceans And with Tim Berne, Hank Roberts, Aurora Nealand, and John Savage’s Lie Very Still

August 17, 2023 Mississippi Studios with Blue Cranes for their release of My Only Secret Show starts at 9PM, 21+

My Only Secret, Blue Cranes

June 2nd, 2023 The Old Church 1422 SW 11th Ave. Portland, OR, 97201 7:30pm PJCE Records presents: The Most, The All Of It, New Music, New Spoken Word

April 16th, 2023 PJCE Records presents an album release of Nova Pangaea featuring John C. Savage and Lie Very Still (John C. Savage-composer and woodwinds, Mike Gamble-guitar, Shao Way Wu-bass, and Ken Ollis- Drums. Reed College Eliot Hall Chapel, 3pm

February 20, 2023

PDX Jazz presents: Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble performing Jasnam Daya Singh’s Ekta: The Unity Project at the Jack London Revue.

December 2, 2022

The Bundy Band will get down and boogie to our blues roots at Catfish Lou’s in an evening featuring our keyboardist Dave Fleschner!

March 18, 2022

Former Reed student Eli Knowles’s album release, “Night on Earth” with his Aaron Space Cosmic Orchestra. In collaboration with PJCE, at the Eliot Hall Chapel. 6PM, Reed College.

March 17, 2022

Live music is back in my corner of the world. And, for once, amid all the ongoing changes in policies and recommendations, I feel ready to participate like I haven’t before! Here are some photos from Bundy Band performances at both Portland’s iconic Laurelthirst Public House, and the new Patricia Reser Center for the Performing Arts in Beaverton, Oregon.

November 5, 2021

This recording was just released by Gold Lion Arts of Sacramento! A live recording dedicated to our late and dear friend, André St. James. All proceeds go to Bravo Youth Orchestras in Portland, OR, where André loved teaching the next generation of musicians.


October 25, 2021

During the Pandemic I’ve been featured on a number of recordings. How did these things happen when it felt like so little was happening?! Definitely something to consider. These releases will eventually be featured on my discography and projects pages, but, for now, here they are:

Thollem/Portland Improvisers recorded live at Turn, Turn, Turn in Portland, Oregon, and honoring our dear friend, Andre St. James. released July 30, 2021

May 24, 2021

As we move into a new space as more people are vaccinated, I will be updating this website to better reflect what kind of musician I am (In the absence of performing I’ve had some time to really think about such things!) This welcome/upcoming gigs page will still be here, and I will add performances here as they are confirmed, but I will be also be constructing a new Projects tab and relative pages to show the variety of musical work I do.

In the meantime, feel free to scroll down for past performances, and check out my media and discography pages for more recordings, videos, and photos.

Additionally, I will add a new space here to purchase my original scores. Until then, you can still contact me through this website directly, or, if you find yourself in need of some other flute-related items, some of my flute scores are also available through FluteWorld.

Cartridge was featured on Mix Cloud. The track features brilliant percussion and production by my duo partner, composer, artist, and multi-instrumentalist Will Northlich-Redmond, AKA BlipVert. The melody of North Korean Blues was composed by me on the Korean so-geum. The recording is from our 2015 release, The Black Heron and the Spoonbill, on PJCE Records

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March 14, 2020

The Bundy Band 4-year Anniversary Celebration! at the SkyTav 7-9:30pm free admission

February 26, 2020

Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble presents: Ekta: The Unity Project

The Old Church Concert Hall 1422 SW 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97201 8pm

PJCE performs Ekta: The Unity Project by Jasnam Daya Singh (seated at piano)

PJCE performs Ekta: The Unity Project by Jasnam Daya Singh (seated at piano)

January 19, 2020

Krüd John Savage-woodwinds Grant Pierce-drums Brandon Conway-electric guitar

Floom (Maxx Katz) and the Stephanie Lavon Trotter/Dan Sasaki Duo

No Fun Bar

December 14, 2019

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm


November 10, 2019

Krüd John Savage-woodwinds Grant Pierce-drums Brandon Conway-electric guitar

In support of drummer Mark Burdon’s CD release Turn, Turn, Turn

Krüd at No Fun Bar, Portland, Oregon

Krüd at No Fun Bar, Portland, Oregon

October 12, 2019

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm


October 5, 2019

Water Spirit: A Tribute To Jim Pepper @ Midland Library presented by the Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble 805 SE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97233 4pm, free admission

September 28, 2019

Water Spirit: A Tribute To Jim Pepper @ Jim Pepper Native Arts Festival presented by the Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble 12003 NE Shaver Portland, OR 97220 6:15pm free admission

August 17-18, 2019

Montavilla Jazz Festival performing with: Dana Reason: Torque Songs (August 17, 4pm) Ezra Weiss Big Band: We Limit Not the Truth of God (Aug17, 8:10pm) Mel Brown and Gordon Lee with PJCE (Aug18, 8:10pm)


August 7, 2019

Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble presents: Terrace 2 Terrace with The Quadraphonnes ZGF Architects, 1223 SW Washington St #200, Portland, OR 5pm, $125

July 23, 2019


June 8, 2019

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm

May 18th, 2019

Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble presents Water Spirit: A Tribute to Jim Pepper, The Old Church, 8pm

May 11th, 2019

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm

April 27th, 2019

Fused Creative presents: The Feminine Era with Thick In The Throat, Honey at Place 735 NW 18th Ave (Sold Out!)

April 19th, 2019

Reed College Jazz Ensembles, Friday @4 Series, Performing Arts Building room 320, John C. Savage-Director, free admission

April 7th, 2019

The 1905 and PJCE Records present: Lie Very Still (John C. Savage-woodwinds, Ken Ollis-drums, Michael Gamble-guitar, and Shao Way Wu-bass) The 1905,Portland, OR, 6-9pm

March 6th, 2019

Park Avenue Armory presents: Artists Studio, Roscoe Mitchell Re:Soundings Trio will perform Mitchell’s Nonaah on a program of his music, Park Avenue Armory, New York, NY, 9pm

Roscoe Mitchell and the Re:Soundings Trio (John Savage, Catherine Lee, and Dana Reason)

Roscoe Mitchell and the Re:Soundings Trio (John Savage, Catherine Lee, and Dana Reason)

March 4th, 2019

Resoundings SPECTRUM_NY.png

March 1st, 2019

PDX Jazz presents: Progressive Blue Note with Lie Very Still (John C. Savage-woodwinds, Ken Ollis-drums, Michael Gamble-guitar, and Shao Way Wu-bass) Al’s Den, 7pm

February 23, 2019

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm

February 22, 2019


February 16, 2019

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February 10, 2019

image by Paris Myers

image by Paris Myers

January 12, 2019

The Creative Music Guild presents: The Extradition Series, 7:30pm, Leaven Community

December 8, 2018

Ezra Weiss Big Band presents: We Limit Not The Truth of God Alberta Abbey, 8pm

Ezra Weiss Big Band

October 25, 2018

Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble presents: Night of the Living Dead Holocene, Doors at 7:30pm

October 20, 2018

The Creative Music Guild presents: The Extradition Series, 7:30pm, Leaven Community

October 13, 2018

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm

September 23, 2018

Let’s Go Walking with 3 Hand Stephen (voice, acoustic guitars), Yuan-Chen Li (piano), Maeve Stier (voice), Susanne (accordion) and Christopher (voice and bouzouki) Shotola-Hardt, Rich Hinrichsen (voice), and John C. Savage (woodwinds), surprise dancers, Classic Pianos, 3pm

August 26, 2018

Corkscrew with Trio Sauvage featuring Tim DuRoche-drums and Andrew Jones-bass, 7-9pm

Tim Duroche, Andrew Jones, and John Savage

Tim Duroche, Andrew Jones, and John Savage

 August 19, 2018

Montavilla Jazz Festival with Creative Music Guild: Sound Foundry   Mike Gamble-guitar, John C. Savage-woodwinds, Jimmie Herrod-vocals, Andrew Jones-bass, Chris Johnedis-drums, 4:10-5:00pm

August 2, 2018

Risk/Reward and Tracy Cameron Francis present:                          Pavement: A Festival of Pop-Up Performances In Public Spaces   featuring Thick in the Throat Honey and others, 6:30-8:00pm


July 6-7, 2018 Improvisation Summit of Portland


Lie Very Still

5:15-5:45, Friday, June 6

John C. Savage: saxophones, flutes, and compositions

Mike Gamble: electric guitar

Ken Ollis: drum set

Presented by the Creative Music Guild

July 1, 2018

Corkscrew with Trio Sauvage featuring Tim DuRoche-drums and Andrew Jones-bass, 7-9pm

June 25, 2018

Thick in the Throat, Honey at the Sacramento Poetry Center, 7:30pm



June 9, 2018

The Bundy Band at the Skyline Tavern, 7pm

June 8, 2018

Solo improvisations: de Dionyso, Star, & Savage, Passages Bookshop, 7pm

May 24, 2018

Groove Revelation at the 1905, 8pm

May 12, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche at the Penofin Jazz Festival, featuring Matthew Shipp, Nicole Mitchell, The Rich Halley 4 and more! Potter Valley, CA, 1pm

May 11, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche at Gold Lion Arts with Shiva X and the Vinny Golia Ensemble. Sacramento, CA, 8pm

May 10, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche at The New Zone Arts Gallery              Eugene, OR $10-$20 sliding scale, 7pm

Artwork by

Artwork by

May 9, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche with Mike Gamble at The Red Room Improvised Music Series presented by Interzone, Corvallis, OR, 8pm.

Photo by Travis Chaney

Photo by Travis Chaney

April 8, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche with Rich Halley at Turn Turn Turn, 8-10pm

March 23, 2018

The Bundy Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

March 11, 2018

Savage/St. James/DuRoche, Corkscrew, 7-9pm



January 19, 2018

Lawn Party at Mississippi Pizza, 6-8pm (all ages)

December 9, 2017

The Bundy Band & Jon Ostrom Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9:30pm

November 16, 2017

Reed College Orchestra performs music of Purcell, Ives, and Schubert  Kaul Auditorium, 7:30pm

November 15, 2017

 lie very still with Greg Sinibaldi's Talon (Seattle) at Turn, Turn, Turn, 8pm

October 21, 2017

Groove Revelation at The Secret Society with Grasshopper and     Tezeta Band, doors: 8:30 pm/show: 9:00 pm

October 14, 2017

The Bundy Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

September 23, 2017

Esperanza Spalding has put together a group of local talent including Darrell Grant, Mike Gamble, and John C. Savage to celebrate 125 years of the Portland Art Museum. The band will perform from 9:15-10pm during the gala's after party.

August 9, 2017

Golden Retriever with John C. Savage, Reed Wallsmith, Noah Bernstein, and Andy Rayborn-saxophones, and Matt Hannafin-percussion Holocene, 8pm

July 16, 2017

Lawn Party at the Doug Fir Lounge, 3pm

July 1, 2017

Improvisation Summit of Portland (Round Robin Duets 11:00pm-midnight)

June 15, 2017

Lawn Party at The Goodfoot, 9:30pm

June 10, 2017

Groove Revelation at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

May 20, 2017

Lawn Party at Mississippi Pizza, 9pm

May 18, 2017

Andre St. James Quartet with John C. Savage, Tim DuRoche, and John Jensen. Corkscrew, 8pm

May 13, 2017

The Bundy Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

April 28, 2017

Poet Claudia F. Savage's book launch for Bruising Continents at Ford Food and Drink, with special guests poet Stephanie Heit and musicians John C. Savage, Andre St. James and Tim Duroche, 7pm

April 21, 2017

Lawn Party at the Laurelthirst Public House, 10:30pm

March 11, 2017

The Bundy Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

February 8, 2017

 Andre St. James, Tim DuRoche, and John C. Savage Trio at Iconic, 8pm

January 28, 2017

Thick In The Throat Honey, It's Okay Girl, and Sporting (AKA Methods Body)at Leaven Community, 7:30pm

January 21, 2017

The Extradition Series at Leaven Community, 7:30pm-10pm

Performed by Joe Cunningham (tenor sax), Christian Pincock (trombone), Andy Rayborn (baritone sax), John C. Savage (alto sax), Jonathan Sielaff (bass clarinet), and Evan Spacht (trombone). Comprising just 71 words, "Swell Piece" is one of ten short, mostly text and graphic compositions known as the "Postal Pieces" after the composer's habit of sending them to friends on the backs of postcards.

January 14, 2017

Groove Revelation at The Skyline Tavern, 7pm-9pm

December 7, 2016

Rich Halley Duo and Tim DuRoche Trio,  at Turn, Turn, Turn, 8pm


November 18, 2016

ReSoundings, Oregon State University,12pm                                                                          


November 13, 2016 

Demolition Duo at Turn, Turn, Turn, 8pm


October 28, 2016

The Bundy Band at The Skyline Tavern, 7-9pm

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